Let's Hoop for Lent!

Hooping Mummy has come about from the desire to start *doing* something for Lent instead of giving something up! This year I shall be hooping my way through a different tune every day for 40 days ~ Please feel free to come and join in or make your own hooping videos and send them to me to upload: amy@greaves-net.net

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Day Two ~ Dancing in the Moonlight

Here's Day 2 of my hooping for lent! Please add your comments or send me suggestions of tunes you'd like me to hoop too... and the offer is always open if you'd like to come and join in!! love xxx


  1. Yeah love Daisy being in the background! Oh Oh How about Sussudio - Phil Collins, How about Grace by Supergrass, Chicago by Sufjan... xsx
