Let's Hoop for Lent!

Hooping Mummy has come about from the desire to start *doing* something for Lent instead of giving something up! This year I shall be hooping my way through a different tune every day for 40 days ~ Please feel free to come and join in or make your own hooping videos and send them to me to upload: amy@greaves-net.net

Friday, 25 March 2011

Day Seventeen ~ The Herb Garden Café & The Whiskey River Band

Hooping Mummy has gone public this evening!! It took three glasses of wine to pluck up the courage to get up and hoop in front of a roomful of people but it was AMAZING!! (Health Warning: drinking and hooping is not to be encouraged ;-)

A massive *Thank You* to Richard Bramhall and The Herb Garden Café and of course, to the wonderful Whiskey River Band  (http://www.whiskeyriver.co.uk/) for playing me a beautiful medley!! Enjoy xxx


  1. Great hooping, love the live band. That compere'll never make it to a Royal Command Performance though.
