Let's Hoop for Lent!

Hooping Mummy has come about from the desire to start *doing* something for Lent instead of giving something up! This year I shall be hooping my way through a different tune every day for 40 days ~ Please feel free to come and join in or make your own hooping videos and send them to me to upload: amy@greaves-net.net

Friday, 18 March 2011

Day Ten ~ Eye of the Tiger ** COMIC RELIEF **

Happy Friday everyone, today is Comic Relief :-D I couldn't find a red nose this morning but I hope you like my attempt to 'do something funny for money'!! If you do like it then please please consider giving a gift, however large or small, to Comic Relief and help raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves. Here's my justgiving fundraising address: http://my.rednoseday.com/hoopingmummy Thank you! Have a lovely weekend xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Funniest thing EVER!!!!!!! I love how Daisy's getting into it in the background! That is amazingly awesome! xsx
