Let's Hoop for Lent!

Hooping Mummy has come about from the desire to start *doing* something for Lent instead of giving something up! This year I shall be hooping my way through a different tune every day for 40 days ~ Please feel free to come and join in or make your own hooping videos and send them to me to upload: amy@greaves-net.net

Monday, 11 April 2011

Day Thirty-Four ~ Hula Hoop Christmas Song

Today's music (Alvin & The Chipmunks) was chosen by my Dad! Oh how lovely to get a hula-hoop for Christmas!!! If any of you lovely lot would like to buy a hula-hoop for yourselves/ a friend/ a family member/ other half/ random stranger in the street, maybe for Christmas (or sooner as Christmas is quite a long way away!) then look no further...

'Hoopingmummy' is broadening her horizons and has colourful (home-made) hoops for sale! I have all sorts of colours and wonderful sparkly tapes for you to choose from. Prices range from £12-£15 depending on colour/sparkle ~ Get in touch and I'll make to order :-) Maybe we should have a 'hooping party' where we can all show off our new skills??? Who's up for it? x x x

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!
    Bizzare yet brilliant choice of song!!
